Esperaba que entraras, pero no te vi, miraba constantemente a la puerta, pero no estabas, decía dentro mío, ya no tardará, pero tardaste, Y cuando pensabas entrar, ya no podía ser de ti.
Vaya cosas que nos pasan, cuando te fuiste, sabía que cuando nos viéramos de nuevo, ya no podrías ser de mi.
Roxanne, you dont have to put on the red light Those days are over You dont have to sell your body to the night Roxanne, you dont have to wear that dress tonight Walk the streets for money You dont care if its wrong or if its right
Roxanne, you dont have to put on the red light Roxanne, you dont have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light Put on the red light, oh
I loved you since I knew ya I wouldnt talk down to ya I have to tell you just how I feel I wont share you with another boy I know my mind is made up So put away your make up Told you once I wont tell you again its a bad way
Roxanne, you dont have to put on the red light Roxanne, you dont have to put on the red light You dont have to put on the red light Put on the red light, put on the red light.
Este cover, es muy bueno:
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest From all the unborn chicken voices in my head What's this? (I may be paranoid, but not an android) What's this? (I may be paranoid, but not an android)
When I am king, you will be first against the wall with your opinion which is of no consequence at all What's this? (I may be paranoid, but no android) What's this? (I may be paranoid, but no android)
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly Kicking, squealing, gucci little piggy You don't remember You don't remember Why don't you remember my name? Off with his head, man Off with his head, man Why don't you remember my name? I guess he does...
Rain down, rain down Come on rain down on me From a great height From a great height... height... Rain down, rain down Come on rain down on me From a great height From a great height... height... Rain down, rain down Come on rain down on me
That's it sir You're leaving The crackle of pigskin The dust and the screaming The yuppies networking The panic, the vomit The panic, the vomit God loves his children, God loves his children, yeah!
If youre feeling down depressed and lonely I know a place where we can go 22 acacia avenue meet a lady that I know So if youre looking for a good time And youre prepared to pay the price Fifteen quid is all she asks for Everybodys got their vice.
If youre waiting for a long time for the rest to do their piece You can tell her that you know me and you might even get it free So any time youre down the east end dont you hesitate to go You can take my honest word for it shell teach you more than you can know.
Charlotte cant you get out from all this madness Cant you see it only brings you sadness When you entertain your men dont know the risk of getting disease.
Some day when youre reaching the age of forty I bet youll regret the days when you were laying Nobody then will want to know You wont have any beautiful wares to show any more.
22, the avenue thats the place where we all go You will find its warm inside the red lights burning bright tonight.
Charlotte isnt it time you stopped this mad life Dont you ever think about the bad times Why do you have to live this way Do you enjoy your lay or is it the pay.
Sometimes when your strolling down the avenue The way you walk it make men think of having you When youre walking down the street Everybody stops and turns to stare at you.
Beat her mistreat her do anything that you please Bite her excite her make her get down on her knees Abuse her misuse her she can take all that youve got Caress her molest her she always does what you want.
Youre running away dont you know what youre doing Cant you see itll lead you to ruin Charlotte youve taken your life and youve thrown it away You believe that because what youre earning Your lifes good dont you know that youre hurting All the people that love you dont cast them aside All the men that are constantly drooling Its no life for you stop all that screwing Youre packing your bags and youre coming with me.
Radio Id sit alone and watch your light My only friend through teenage nights And evrything I had to know I heard it on my radio
You gave them all those old time stars Through wars of worlds - invaded by mars You made em laugh - you made em cry You made us feel like we could fly Radio
So dont become some background noise A backdrop for the girls and boys Who just dont know or just dont care And just complain when youre not there You had your time you had the power Youve yet to have your finest hour Radio
All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio whats new? Radio someone still loves you
We watch the shows - we watch the stars On videos for hours and hours We hardly need to use our ears How music changes through the years
Lets hope you never leave old friend Like all good things on you we depend So stick around cos we might miss you When we grow tired of all this visual You had your time you had the power Youve yet to have your finest hour Radio
All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio whats new? Someone still loves you
Radio ga ga Radio ga ga Radio ga ga Radio
You had your time you had the power Youve yet to have your finest hour Radio
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to you Girl, we couldn't get much higher Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And our love become a funeral pyre Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire, yeah
The time to hesitate is through No time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose And our love become a funeral pyre Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire, yeah
You know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I was to say to you Girl, we couldn't get much higher Come on baby, light my fire Come on baby, light my fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire Try to set the night on fire
El cielo y el infierno no es nuestro lugar. No pertenecemos a esos lujuriosos estamentos inaccesibles. Navegamos a la deriva en esta bolita azul a una velocidad inimaginable. Es tanto el desamparo que tratas a asirte al madero salvador que siempre estará distante de tu costa. Nos juntamos para estar acompañados por nadie. Celebramos los bautizos. Y otras comedias humanas. Y siempre volvemos a casa agotados y solos. Dormimos en el más completo desamparo. A merced de un par de sueños en donde somos lo que somos. Un completo fracaso del Universo. Aún así, a pesar de todo, cantamos, brindamos con nuestros amigos, vemos crecer a nuestros hijos y conquistamos la pared más alta. Eso es bueno. Eso nos salva y es suficiente. Podemos decir que hemos vivido y que el cielo y el infierno no es nuestro lugar.
Cuando la tierra se adormece llego a tu puerta. En lo alto callan las estrellas y tengo miedo de cantar. Velando espero hasta que tu sombra pasa por el balcón de la noche. Entonces regreso silencioso y lleno de ti. Luego, en la canto a la orilla del camino. El aire matinal escucha temblando y las flores vuelven hacia mí su rostro de pétalos. Los viajeros se detienen de pronto para mirarme frente a frente: es como si mi canto a cada uno le llamara por su nombre.
A friendly push Off the cliff - is all I need A sudden change Or a smile Could make me feel alive, Anything to take the ignorance away.
There is a hole in my chest where my heart used to be If you're looking for emptiness, I'm what you need Colder and darker and worse Sometimes life's just a curse.
All illusions lost All colours faded A senseless pain Transparent Imperfection Falling Like a sparrow to the ground Leave no trace of life.
My ashen face My snow-white skin Perfect Isolation Time - slips My asylum years Will end in silence Without tears.
All illusions lost All colours faded A senseless pain Transparent Imperfection Falling Like a sparrow to the ground Leave no trace of life.
Music as my ship set sails Through the window From the street Divine Goodbye.
Leave no marks upon my skin Dreamless sleep The convent walls on fire Goodbye.
Dreams and betrayal - hand in hand Falling apart in a drug wonderland Unable to move and talk Unable to care at all...
Somebody is knocking at my door Somebody - I think I have seen before I'm trembled and shaken and stirred I wish I could be a bird.
Music as my ship set sails Through the window From the street Divine Goodbye.
Leave no marks upon my skin Dreamless sleep The convent walls on fire Goodbye.
Little Mona Lisa laying by my side "Crimson and Clover" pullin' overtime Seem too close to be losin' touch By givin' in, what am I givin' up Am I losin' way too much
Hey California waiting Every little thing's gotta be just right Say While you're tryin' to save me Can't I get back my lonely life
I'm goin' so fast that I can't slow down It's hard to get up when you're spinnin' round and round I'd tell you the news but nothin's changed I'd sing you a song but they blew it away All wrapped up in this stupid ass game
Hey California waiting Every little thing's gotta be just right Say While you're tryin' to save me Can't I get back my lonely life Can't I get back my lonely life
Hey... oooh... Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay Were laid spread out before me as her body once did. All five horizons revolved around her soul As the earth to the sun Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds Of what was everything. Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
I take a walk outside I'm surrounded by some kids at play I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear? Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning How quick the sun can drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass Of what was everything? All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
All the love gone bad turned my world to black Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be... yeah... Uh huh... uh huh... ooh...
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a sun in somebody else's sky, but why Why, why can't it be, can't it be mine
Aah... uuh..
Too doo doo too, too doo doo [many times until fade]
¿Cómo sujetar mi alma para que no roce la tuya? ¿Cómo debo elevarla hasta las otras cosas, sobre ti? Quisiera cobijarla bajo cualquier objeto perdido, en un rincón extraño y mudo donde tu estremecimiento no pudiese esparcirse.
Pero todo aquello que tocamos, tú y yo, nos une, como un golpe de arco, que una sola voz arranca de dos cuerdas. ¿En qué instrumento nos tensaron? ¿Y qué mano nos pulsa formando ese sonido? ¡Oh, dulce canto!
Hoy, jueves 12 de marzo, todos tenemos un compromiso de honor. A partir de las 2 de la tarde, los integrantes de los organismos de derechos humanos nos concentraremos, junto con toda la ciudadanía, en la Plaza Dos de Mayo, para participar en la Gran Marcha Ciudadana por Justicia para las Víctimas y en demanda de sanción para Fujimori por los crímenes de lesa humanidad de Barrios Altos y La Cantuta, entre muchos otros cometidos bajo su gobierno.
Es necesario que participemos todos: directivos, profesionales y trabajadores, dando prueba de la autenticidad de nuestro compromiso. Esta es una de esas ocasiones en que es absolutamente imperativo estar presente. No hay excusas. Nadie puede faltar. Todos somos necesarios, todos aportamos, todos somos importantes. Todos somos indispensables.
Nos concentraremos en la plaza Dos de Mayo, frente al local de la CGTP, a partir de las 2 de la tarde, para partir a las 3 formando un escalón de la marcha. De cada organización, de cada directivo y de cada integrante del movimiento depende la presencia y la fortaleza que tenga nuestro escalón. Nadie puede faltar.
Nos encontraremos entonces hoy jueves, bajo las banderas de la Coordinadora y de cada una de sus organizaciones integrantes, al lado de las madres y hermanas de las víctimas de la Cantuta y Barrios Altos, junto con las organizaciones sociales y toda la ciudadanía democrática, en reclamo de justicia.
Siento que tus destellos ahogan mi brisa, mi brisa que presiento inagotable, azul infinita; límpida brisa de lirismo inevitable, soplo de sueños que en mi verso se derrama.
Si de mi voz florece la canción motivo de tu dar, si de tus ojos nace la bondad de abrirme en el verso un palpitar, no me dejes ir...
Siento que mis destellos ahogan tu brisa, tu brisa que presiento inagotable, azul infinita; limpida brisa de lirismo inevitable, soplo de sueños que en mi verso se derrama.
Si de mi voz florece la canción motivo de tu dar, si de tus ojos nace la bondad de abrirme en el verso un palpitar, no me dejes ir...
Ahi en el mar que enjuaga las distantes costas Donde tu solitaria barca ha de varar Ya vendra el tiempo y su largo velo de olvido Que amaina todos los dolores y aún asi...recordaras.
A veces hay que pararse bajo la lluvia, Pero de todos es comenzar otra vez Consiste solo en continuar Lo dice un hombre que Habita en donde nunca deja de llover.
Arde la piel busca en todas tus caricias Los encendidos arrebatos de su piel Y las estrellas titilantes vieron frías La angosta estela de la barca en que se fue.
A veces piensas que le olvidas y te animas Algunas otras no lo puedes resistir Lo cierto es que el dolor te rodeo en sus espinas Y tú tan solo no volviste a sonreír.
Recordarás otras estrellas, otros cielos Hasta otras noches mas gratas recordarás Y entre el constante ir y venir de los recuerdos Te va empujando la marea por donde vas.
¿a donde irás para escaparte de ti misma Que blanca arena sanará tu corazón? Yo solo se de oscuridades de lloviznas Luego después de todo, siempre brilla el sol.
Así es amar querida mía sin esperanza Por eso el alma solo se entrega una vez Después la vida nos traiciona la confianza Y uno no vuelve a ser aquello que un día fue Y fluya el dulce melodioso de tu llanto Suspiro y viento que agitan al corazón Porque llorando se remiendan los quebrantos Y la sal cura las heridas que ha sufrido la ilusión.
Por eso el mar es el refugio de los tristes Por el cielo azul no cabe en mi canción Esta canción que solo quiere ser llovizna Que se derrame venturosa refrescando tu dolor.
Recordarás otras estrellas, otros cielos Hasta otras noches mas gratas recordarás Y entre el constante ir y venir de los recuerdos Te va empujando la marea por donde vas.
A donde irás para escaparte de ti misma Que blanca arena sanara tu corazón Yo solo se de oscuridades de lloviznas Luego después de todo siempre brilla el sol.
No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti Por alagarte y para que se sepa Tome papel y lápiz. Y esparcí Las prendas de tu amor, Sobre la mesa.. Buscaba una canción Y me perdí En un montón de palabras gastadas No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti Y no se me acurre nada...
Enciedo un cigarrillo y otro más Un día de estos he de plantearme Muy seriamente dejar de fumar Con esa tos que me entra al levantarme Busqué mirando al cielo inspiración Y me quedé colgado en las alturas Por cierto, al techo no le hiría nada mal Una mano de pintura..
Miré por la ventana Y me fugé Con una niña que iba en bicicleta Me distrajo un vecino Que también.. No hacía más que rascarse la brageta (cabeza) No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti Y nada me gusta más que hacer canciones Pero hoy las musas han pasado de mi Andarán de vacaciones. No hago otra cosa que pensar en ti, Pero los versos huyen de mis manos Y es que las musas han pasado de mi Se habrán ido con el Nano.
I am a man who walks alone And when Im walking a dark road At night or strolling through the park
When the light begins to change I sometimes feel a little strange A little anxious when its dark
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that someones always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someones allways there
Have you run your fingers down the wall And have you felt your neck skin crawl When youre searching for the light? Sometimes when youre scared to take a look At the corner of the room Youve sensed that somethings watching you
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that someones always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someones allways there
Have you ever been alone at night Thought you heard footsteps behind And turned around and no ones there? And as you quicken up your pace You find it hard to look again Because youre sure theres someone there
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that someones always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someones allways there
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark...
Watching horror films the night before Debating wiches and folklore The unkown troubles on your mind Maybe your mind is playing tricks You sense and suddenly eyes fix On dancing shadows from behind
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that someones always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someones allways there
When Im walking a dark road I am a man who walkes alone
Mirad que Amor me hizo un don ingrato, pues me condujo a enamorarme en Prato.
Enamorado estoy de una doncella a quien sólo de tarde en tarde veo. Ni artes ni ruegos válenme con ella, que envidia y celos miran mi deseo. De cosecha esperanza no destella, mas de tener sembrado el campo trato. Mirad si amor me hizo un don ingrato, que me condujo a enamorarme en Prato.
Hear me now Bearing down upon a path we choose Chosen from the start living different rules Existence something to cherish true Will not succumb to doubts that I hold onto Release the fear of my pain In so much pain Give me the will to fight Every obstacle that I have inside Release MY fear and
Hear me now Words I vow No fucking regrets
Fuck these chains No god damn slave I will be different
I'll stand here defiantly My middle finger raised Fuck your prejudice
All my life Always I've felt alone Conditioned to believe that I'm always wrong Only truth will help to set me free My every weakness I must turn into strength Every rage, every tear Hate in so much hate Never that pain will bind me Ask of myself if I've the will to unwind Every rage and tear
Hear me now Words I vow No fucking regrets
Fuck these chains No god damn slave I will be different
I'll stand here defiantly My middle finger raised Fuck your prejudice
Carved upon my stone I will go on Patience, belief Love will ascend
Just listen to it Voice so true inside calling To stand you up and march you on Keep from falling Let go your sorrow Sun will shine, this I promise Rising tommorow Rising
Hear me now I'm taking back the control Of my Life from societies hold I vow No more will I be a slave Rise to Challenge the whole human race